Tuesday 15 October 2013

Muscle Activation and Performance

Muscular recruitment/activation is a requirement of everyday activity and exercise, in short, the muscles of the body are 'ordered' by the nerves to contract in turn creating locomotion. 'Ideal' muscle activation via the nerves during sporting activity aids in enhancing contractile strength and speed as well as creation of momentum, efficiently producing the desired movement (e.g. squatting, running and jumping). This 'ideal' activation of the muscles is essentially sequential activation of specific muscles groups, which streamlines performance of an exercise, optimising performance. If the recruitment order is out of sequence, the quality of muscle contraction and momentum transferal may be diminished, limiting performance.

Activation exercises benefit all athletes basically 'waking up' the muscles, making them work when they should. Below I have compiled a few videos that would benefit some specific movements in regards to improving performance throughout activity.

Activation Exercises

Gluteal Activation

VMO Activation


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