Monday 2 September 2013

Golf Specific Exercises

Hi Everyone,

I have had a few questions regarding specific exercises focused on improving golf performance. A golf swing utilises a combination of movements to achieve optimal ball displacement, although seemingly simple, the movements involved become more complex due to the number of movements and coordination required in the swing. Of major importance throughout a golf swing is the loading or coiling the body (weight transferal, creating momentum) and hip drive and rotation (power/momentum enhancement). 

Accurately replicating a sporting movement/requirement during a specific sporting program is a must for progression and effective transferal of performance to a sporting environment. As mentioned during the video, lateral bounding will aid in power development and stabilisation of the legs. This bounding motion emphasises body loading, improving the stretch reflex of the muscles leading to further power development and ultimately transferring to an increase in ball projection.

When observing a golf swing, you may notice the front swing begins with a hip drive followed by a downward projection of the arms. Hip rotation and extension (hip drive) is of high importance when creating an exercise program for golf as the movements generate a majority of the power utilised throughout a swing. The over the shoulder medicine ball throw and medicine ball throw down are great exercises that reinforce the importance of hip rotation and extension, with the later also mimicking the downwards drive of the arms. Further exercises that replicate specific golf movements may enhance a players ability to perform on any given sporting occasion.

If you have any questions let us know in the comments,


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